We know that the vast majority of deaf children can learn to listen and talk. We believe that all parents of deaf children should be given this option.
DELTA is a national charity supporting deaf children and their families through:
- Providing information for parents and professionals
- Information days and social meetings
- Summer Schools
- Training courses for practitioners
Please contact us if you would like to know more about:
- Helping your child to listen and talk
- Making choices for your child and your family
- Selecting and maintaining hearing and cochlear implants
- Joining us for Summer Schools and courses
“My son was born deaf and I thought he would never talk; now there are days when I just wish I could get a word in!!”
Deaf Children CAN
- Develop age appropriate language
- Read and write
- Go to their local school
- Enjoy music and singing and dance
- Make friends
- Go on to further and higher education
- Have a career
- Enjoy a fulfilling life
Your Family Can Do It Your Way
- Your first language is his first language
- You know what to say
- You know how to play
It is what families do naturally.
Family life and culture and the way you communicate and have fun as a family is what children thrive on…..and your deaf child is just the same.
Deaf Children Can Because There Is The Technology
- They get it early
- It can be accurately set up
- Families gets good at managing and maintaining it optimally
- Your child can access speech and language through it
- Families naturally know what to say and when to say it, making the most of opportunities in daily routines, play and activities with friends and families
- They can use it all the time at school, home and out and about.
- And because of this, your child has access to the language of his friends and family and can actively take part and achieve whatever s/he would have done if s/he wasn’t deaf.
If you would like to contact us, please email enquiries@deafeducation.org.uk