Family Support
When a child is diagnosed as severely or profoundly deaf, the parents’ first question is often “Will s/he be able to talk?”
It is a very natural question; all parents normally expect to share their language with all their children. We believe that not only is it their right but that, for the vast majority of deaf children, it is a perfectly valid option.
Find out more here in this section to discover the support that can help your family to achieve the best potential for your deaf child.
Get Involved in our Online Sessions
We are providing bi-monthly online drop in events for parents/guardians/grandparents through Google Meet to be a part of the DELTA Community to ask questions, discuss and share experiences of raising their deaf child at home and at school using the language of the home and community.
Every couple of months our meeting will carry a theme and parents will be able to sign in from the comfort of their own home to be involved in sessions expected to last one hour to 90 minutes.
Information for Families
My Child is Deaf - what can I do?
One in every 1000 children in the UK is born with a hearing problem. 9 out of 10 deaf children are part of hearing families. Most of these families have never met a deaf child before and do not know what to expect.
Discover the DELTA Approach
DELTA seeks to manage deafness in children whilst allowing them to enjoy, and benefit from, normal childhood learning experiences within the family and the family’s community and culture.
Making the DELTA Approach work
High quality testing and fitting of hearing aids, backed by research, ensures that each child can hear to his/her best ability. It is no longer a matter of ‘put a hearing aid in the ear and hope’.
Factsheets to support you and your family
We provide factsheets, information sheets and more to help you support your deaf child learn the language of the home .
Just like every other child
A child who is hearing impaired goes through exactly the same stages of development as a hearing child. The most important thing for you and all your family to remember is that your child is still the same child, whatever anyone said about her hearing.
Hearing aids: an introduction
The ones that are right for your child. There are many different makes and models of hearing aids to suit all types of hearing loss. The experts will prescribe the most suitable one for your child and show you how to fit it and look after it. Your child’s teacher of the deaf will continue to help.
Learning to talk
Hearing babies and children can learn to talk through listening and talking. They don’t know they are doing it and it is always FUN! Deaf children are no different.
Hearing Aids for my child
Choosing the right hearing aid, ear mould and more is important for your child. Hearing aids today are digital and can flexibly be programmed to meet need across the range of hearing loss
The Monitoring Protocol
After the identification of hearing loss it is vital that the baby and child’s developmental progress is tracked and supported. The professional can offer support to the family when they have a full understanding of the sequential nature of language and listening development.
Reading and the deaf child
All children come to books in different ways and at different times and, as with other aspects of the Natural Aural approach, the key for deaf children is being interested in and enjoying books – wanting to read just as they wanted to speak
Understanding hearing loss
By understanding your child’s hearing loss you can understand how much the technology enables your child to hear, listen and talk.
Hearing aids make a difference
Neonatal Hearing screening has given us the opportunity to identify and fit hearing aids early so that deaf babies can learn language naturally alongside their hearing peers. Language is best developed through age appropriate play and interaction.