Leaving a Gift in your Will
DELTA has been around for 40 years and we are planning on making sure it is here to support deaf children and their families for as long as it is needed. We want other children to benefit just like our current Trustees Ed, Ellen and Andy, amongst many other hundreds of children have.
We understand that when it comes to making your Will, family and friends come first. After providing for your loved ones, please consider leaving a gift in your Will to DELTA.
Whether big or small, a gift in your Will will enable DELTA to deliver its vital services to deaf children and their families and ensure future families will have the choice and support to follow the Natural Aural Approach.
A gift in your Will is free of inheritance tax. We recommend that you speak to your solicitor when making or amending your Will. However, it is possible to amend your current Will to include a gift to DELTA using this codicil form.
Please contact us if you would like to discuss supporting DELTA in this way:
Tel no: 0300 365 7200
Email: enquiries@deafeducation.org.uk