We are very proud to have our Natural Aural Approach MESH Guide published!
We give thanks to the three professionals who have worked on this tirelessly and really helps us to promote a brilliant tool for professionals wanting to know about the Natural Aural Approach.
Natural Aural Approach MESH Guide
This MESHGuide has been written for:
– Parents and other family members and friends
– Mainstream teachers and support workers, including SENCos
– Teachers of the Deaf in training,
– Medical professionals including GPs, audiologists and speech and language therapists, health visitors
– Early years practitioners
This resource explains the detail of the approach and the underpinning research. This is part of a series of MESHGuides designed to help parents make an informed choice about communication approaches for their deaf child.
MESH (Mapping Educational Specialist KnowHow) is a design for a teacher/researcher led, international, knowledge management system for teachers using digital tools to keep costs low:
If you would like to find out further information, please do contact us at enquiries@deafeducation.org.uk