Volunteering Ideas

1) It’s as easy as getting together:


  • Start a ‘Deaf Children Talking Parents’ Guide group to swap experiences, tips and help each other. Meet once a term or as often as the group likes.
  • Organise a local group within your region to support each other, raise funds, have social gatherings – any or all of these.

2) If you enjoy writing and talking to people then why not:


  • Help to prepare factsheets and booklets for DELTA to publish – Resources
  • Edit and produce a regional newsletter and share it with others
  • Or could you help with research of specific topics to help our fundraising efforts?

3) It’s as easy as spreading the DELTA message


We want everyone to know how hearing impaired children can and do learn to listen and talk, so help us to spread the word:

Displays and literature


  • Approach your local shopping centre, library or popular public place, to ask it you can set up a DELTA display and spread the word further
  • Visit local health centres, clinics, libraries and other places where parents of newly diagnosed deaf children might visit to arrange to put up posters, distribute literature (and take away out of date stuff!)


Talking about your experiences


  • Would you be prepared to talk about your experience as a parent of a deaf child or as a young deaf person to local societies? We get a steady stream of requests, which we usually have to turn down for lack of a local speaker. DELTA can provide materials, and it you would like, some training in how to do it


4) Don’t forget spreading the DELTA message in the media


  • Identify presenters on local radio stations who show or might show an interest in the stories we have to tell and let us know about them
  • Let us know if you can offer your own experiences or that of your child for use in press, radio or live events
  • Write letters to the press and magazines responding to articles relating to the issue of hearing loss in young children and adults
  • If you are deaf yourself, volunteer to be a spokesperson for DELTA, talking to journalists and groups when the need arises

Do you want to share an idea you have?

9 + 15 =

Volunteering Opportunities

Struggling for ideas? Look through our opportunities to find out how you can help DELTA throughout their events and activities. We would love to hear from you.