Welcome to DELTA: Deaf Education through Listening and Talking

Supporting deaf children and their families

Our DELTA Success Stories

Our young deaf adults are our success stories of the Natural Aural Approach from DELTA, providing inspiration and support to families of newly diagnosed deaf children proving that deaf children can speak for themselves, naturally.

'My child is deaf - what can I do?'

One in every 1000 children in the UK is born with a hearing loss. Nine out of 10 deaf children are part of hearing families. Most of these families have never met a deaf child before and do not know what to expect.

For Professionals

Professionals involved in DELTA find support in the strengths, knowledge and experience of colleagues working in the field.  The strong research base and outcomes of the Natural Aural approach as evidenced by children and young people, highly functioning alongside their hearing peers in school and the workplace has improved practice across the country.

Parent Drop in Events

Get Involved in our Online Sessions

We are providing bi-monthly online drop in events for parents/guardians/grandparents through Google Meet to be a part of the DELTA Community to ask questions, discuss and share experiences of raising their deaf child at home and at school using the language of the home and community.

Every couple of months our meeting will carry a theme and parents will be able to sign in from the comfort of their own home to be involved in sessions expected to last one hour to 90 minutes.

Professional Online Sessions for people who work with deaf children

We are running a series of short, on-line CPD sessions for Teachers of the Deaf and other professionals. These take the form of a 15 minute introduction to the topic by a relevant professional followed by a Q and A and discussion session.





When a child is diagnosed as severely or profoundly deaf, the parents’ first question is often “Will s/he be able to talk?”

It is a very natural question; all parents normally expect to share their language with all their children. We believe that not only is it their right but that, for the vast majority of deaf children, it is a perfectly valid option.

If this interests you, we hope you will find the information below helpful

Deaf Education Through Listening and Talking  (DELTA) is a charity that supports families with deaf babies, children, young people and the practitioners in Health and Education  that work with them.


“We know that the vast majority of deaf children can learn to listen and talk.  We believe that all parents of deaf children should be given this option.”


If you are a parent of a deaf child and need support, advice and guidance, please contact us below: 

7 + 6 =

Get Involved

Working together to help deaf children to listen and talk

Volunteering, becoming a member and helping raise funds

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