Robin Brooksbank-Pearcy writes – There is one reason, and one reason only, why I participate in the Great North Run.Robin GNR It’s not because it is held in my hometown of Newcastle-upon-Tyne where I grew up and spent the first 20 happy years of my life. Nope. It’s not because I love running either. Nope, that is certainly not the reason! The only reason I take part in the Great North Run is simple….to commemorate my wonderful Mum, Diana Pearcy, who passed away 6 years ago just days after we celebrated her 60th birthday. The weekend she died just happened to be the same weekend that the Great North Run was taking place, hence the reason it is a fitting way to mark her anniversary. My two sisters and I have done the run together in the past but this year I was flying solo!
I hadn’t planned to run for a charity originally but changed my mind knowing I could help to make a difference to someone’s life. I chose to run for DELTA having found them listed on the Great North Run charity page and because they are a charity who’s purpose and values are close to my heart. Why? Because my Mum was born profoundly deaf. DELTA’s approach to supporting deaf children and their families who want to educate their kids through a traditional oral route instead of using sign language is one I’m familiar with. This is how my Mum was educated, at Mill Hall Oral School for the Deaf in Cuckfield West Sussex, and it meant she could easily converse with hearing people throughout her life.
This type of integration into society was crucial for my Mum and one which enhanced her life enormously. I don’t believe she would have had the ability to run her own business from the age of 17, generate a large circle of friends (both hearing and deaf) and successfully raise 3 hearing children had my Grandmother chosen to educate her through a sign language route. I am not adverse to sign language mind you but feel it is limiting one’s chances to really get the most out of life.Robib & Sister
I mentioned my Grandmother, a lady by the name of Mary Rowe, who was amazing in her own right. She only passed away last year at the grand age of 89…3 week’s short of her 90th birthday. It was my Granny’s decision to send my Mum to Mill Hall boarding school at the tender age of 3 to give her the best possible start in life. They travelled down from Newcastle on the train at the beginning of each term and then picked her up again for the school holidays. Imagine leaving your poor child behind knowing you wouldn’t see them again for weeks, sometimes months. I have 2 small boys aged 5 and 3 and I couldn’t live without them for a day! But that was the sacrifice my Granny made, it was a selfless decision but she had the foresight to see how it would benefit my Mum. Remarkably, from the age of 6 my Mum was travelling down to Cuckfield from Newcastle on the train by herself! You could never imagine that happening today but it’s no wonder she grew up to become such an independent woman.
So you can see where I draw my inspiration from. Running a half marathon like the Great North RunGreat North Run was easy by comparison. Providing a better quality of life for deaf children through the fantastic work DELTA are doing is a legacy you have my Mum to thank for. It’s one that she would be proud of.
Donations so far are £1066. You can still donate here [….]