Marathon News

Marathon News

Our fabulous four at Greenwich ready for the London Marathon. Very many thanks to them for a great effort in running and raising around £5,000. Many thanks also to the support team. More pictures and reports in a few days.

Congratulations Cate

Congratulations to DELTA Trustee, Cate Statham and her colleague Hannah for being awarded The Peter Preston Audiology Award for their article, for BATOD. The full text can be found in Reports and by this LINK. PLUS belated congratulations go to David and Shirley...


to Sarie Cross, a former DELTA Trustee. Some will remember Sarie from Summer Schools held at Colchester and Winchester or at the Southampton Cochlear Implant Centre. Sarie recently graduated from Southampton Solent University with a MSc in Six Sigma Quality (Service)...

Postage Stamps for DELTA Funds

Did you save your Christmas Stamps? What do you do with the stamps that come with your mail both at home and work? You could put them to good use and help DELTA. All you need to do is collect your stamps and post them to at the address below. We...

Robin’s Great North Run

Robin Brooksbank-Pearcy writes – There is one reason, and one reason only, why I participate in the Great North Run. It’s not because it is held in my hometown of Newcastle-upon-Tyne where I grew up and spent the first 20 happy years of my life. Nope. It’s not...